Love, Joy, Peace...

Friendship Hub Connect App can be installed to you smartphone or tablet!

There's no need to visit the app store- you can install it right here.

Use Safari if you're on an iPhone, or Chrome if you're on an Android phone.

When you visit using Safari or Chrome, you should see a pop-up message inviting you to install the app. Just follow the directions.

On your Android of iPhone device: Tap "Add to home screen"

"What if I don't see a pop-up message?"

On iPhone:

1) Tap the share button.

2) Scroll to "add to home screen" and tap it

3) Tap "add"

4) Success! The Friendship Hub icon has been added to your home screen. Don't forget to log in when you open the app for the first time

On Android:

1) Tap the 3 dots at the top right of the screen (or navigate to the Chrome browser menu, depending on the device)

2) Tap "add to home screen" or "install app."

3) Success! The Friendship Hub icon has been added to your home screen. Don't forget to log in when you open the app for the first time.

Friendship Tioga
220 S. Ray Roberts Pkwy, Tioga, TX 76271
Copyright © 2024 ChurchTrac Software, Inc.